Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday Colin broke his arm...while watching TV...

While I'd like to have some great story about how he broke it playing a sport or riding his bike or falling off a swing-set, the reality is that he really was just watching TV. We had one of those collapsible TV trays sitting out in the living room, and Colin decided to play on it. He was rocking back and forth on it, with his feet on the couch. And the TV tray lived up to its name and collapsed, catching his arm during the fall.

As soon as I saw the arm he was holding, I knew we were headed to the Emergency Room. During our 4 1/2 hour visit (which really isn't bad compared to some emergency room visits we've had), they determined that he broke both bones in his forearm - one a very obvious break with dislocation, the other a hairline fracture.

Here are the x-rays, in which you see the damage. Click on them to enlarge.

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