Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jingle Bells (Oh What Fun It . . . Huh? What did he say?)

We went to Noah's school to see a short Christmas program they were doing. Of course we were proud parents, watching him in his first performance and proud that he handled the stage fright so well.

Now, what about the title of this blog? What does it mean? When you watch the video, listen closely the second time they sing Jingle Bells. The first time it was hard to hear the kids due to them singly so quietly and a screaming kid right next to me. But the director of the program had them perform it again for the benefit of the parents. During the part where they sing, "Oh what fun it ....", listen closely to what Noah inserts into the song. You should be able to catch a reference to another special day of the year. (If you can't figure it out, think about a bunny rabbit and what it brings...)

I got so cracked up that I couldn't hold the camera steady. Tammy had the nerve to say it's all my fault - What? Like I would have anything to do with my kid's being goofy!! I'm not sure how she came up with that idea. Funny thing is, watch Noah's face - he either doesn't realize he is saying it or he's going to be a great deadpan comedian.

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