Saturday, December 27, 2008

Star Student of the Week

Colin was recognized back in September for being the Star Student of the Week in his class. I thought the comments from his teacher were wonderful, especially the part about his warm heart bringing sunshine to the classroom.

Student Recognition

During Bulldog Boogie

Date: September 26, 2008

Student: Colin Wester

Teacher: Mrs. Matthews

Reason: Colin is our Star Student of the week. Colin is always polite and uses his manners when speaking to others. Colin loves to help. Colin's great warm heart brings sunshine to our classroom. Way to go Colin.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Little Thinkers - Tri Again

Latest in my series of questions and comments from the boys.

When I asked Noah if he had a dirty diaper (as we are working to potty train him), he said, "No, but don't look in my diaper."

Colin has several books and now a couple of action figures from Star Wars The Clone Wars. Noah really likes it too, although he must think it's quite the circus as he refers to as Star Wars The Clown Wars.

A few weeks ago, Colin had some kind of test in P.E. during school. He was telling me about it, but he wasn't sure what they call some of the things they were asked to do. I asked if they did sit-ups and had to explain how they do sit-ups. I then asked him if they did any pull-ups. He looked at me really funny and said, "Dad, we don't wear pull-ups in P.E."

Jingle Bells (Oh What Fun It . . . Huh? What did he say?)

We went to Noah's school to see a short Christmas program they were doing. Of course we were proud parents, watching him in his first performance and proud that he handled the stage fright so well.

Now, what about the title of this blog? What does it mean? When you watch the video, listen closely the second time they sing Jingle Bells. The first time it was hard to hear the kids due to them singly so quietly and a screaming kid right next to me. But the director of the program had them perform it again for the benefit of the parents. During the part where they sing, "Oh what fun it ....", listen closely to what Noah inserts into the song. You should be able to catch a reference to another special day of the year. (If you can't figure it out, think about a bunny rabbit and what it brings...)

I got so cracked up that I couldn't hold the camera steady. Tammy had the nerve to say it's all my fault - What? Like I would have anything to do with my kid's being goofy!! I'm not sure how she came up with that idea. Funny thing is, watch Noah's face - he either doesn't realize he is saying it or he's going to be a great deadpan comedian.

Talking To Mark Twain

Recently Tammy took Noah to a follow-up appointment at Scottish Rite and afterwards she took him to a park that was on the premises. She bought him some popcorn and he sat on a bench to eat it next to a sculpture of Mark Twain reading a book.

These pictures are so cute as it really appears that Noah is looking at his book and talking to him about things (although in reality he was looking at something else and pointing to a pool of water on the sculpture). The angle she took these from is just perfect.

School Pictures

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. Too much going on, I guess. Or just laziness. Or forgetfulness. I'll go with the first one, as I wouldn't admit to being lazy or forgetful.

Here are some photos of the boys from their schools. This is Colin's Kindergarten picture and two pictures of Noah from his Mom's Day Out school.