Friday, May 7, 2010

Little Thinkers Inquisitive Humor

Here's another addition to my series called Little Thinkers to highlight some humorous comments and thoughts by our kiddos:

For those reading this on Facebook, you can find past issues of this series at our blog site:

Since we are now expecting a third kid, we thought it would be fun to ask the kids what we should name the new baby. Noah gave us some names of kids in his class. But Colin decided to be a bit more creative and said, "If it's a boy, we should name him Tom. If it's a girl, her name should be Jerry." Someone has been watching too many cartoons....

Noah told me the other day that he's glad he isn't a grown-up. When I asked why, he said, "Because grown-ups don't have piggy banks."

We had a discussion with Colin about grandparents and grandkids. I told him that Grandpa is also my dad. I then asked him what his kids would call me when he grew up and had kids. He thought about it a moment and then said, "Grandpa." I congratulated him on getting that right and then I asked him if he knew what his kid's kids would call me. He gave me a puzzled look, so I told him that I would be their great-grandpa. He kind of laughed at that and said, "No they wouldn't, because you'd probably be dead."